Channel: Vivian V
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: birth control
Description: hi loves! i asked you guys on instagram if i should do a video on my birth control experience so here it is! this is probably the longest vid ive ever done but i wanted to be as thorough and helpful as i could! *below are time stamps and an outline of the pros and cons i explain throughout the video! DISCLAIMER: please consult with a healthcare professional with any questions you have to find what's best for you! i'm obviously not a doctor and everything i say in this video is based off my own experience and EVERYONE will have a DIFFERENT experience since everyone's body is different. I just wanted to help give insight and share what I have done and gone through personally! (: *WHEN AND WHY I STARTED TAKING BIRTH CONTROL 2:05 ** *THE PILL 3:52 ** i took the pill to regulate my period from the age of 12 to 18 PROS: -got rid of my period -it didn't help/worsen my skin (for some it helps with acne) CONS: -only 91% effective (99% if used perfectly) -you have to take it daily ** THE IUD IMPLANT 9:00 ** a t-shaped flexible device inserted into the uterus that releases a hormone that prevents pregnancy. I had the Skyla IUD from when I was 18-21 PROS: -lasts for 3 years -no period, minimal spotting -over 99% effective CONS -painful insertion process -rare but possible complications since it is inserted into your uterus **MY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE with a MALE DOCTOR and GETTING MY IUD OUT 16:15 ** **ARM IMPLANT (NEXPLANON) 19:18 ** PROS: -painless insertion -lasts for 3 years -no effect on skin/weight CONS: -MOOD SWINGS -dark bruising that lasted for a month -constant spotting (could be because of my previous irregular period history) ** WHY I DECIDED TO GET MY ARM IMPLANT TAKEN OUT 26:57 ** read more about: the pill: iud implant: arm implant: MY PINTEREST (where I get all my decor ideas): LETS BE FRIENDS! instagram: @viviannn_v twitter: @viviannnv snapchat : viviannn_v Pinterest Spotify follow jasper and beau!! IG: @jasper_corgi FREE MONAAY! $40 OFF airbnb : -$40 OFF a HelloFresh order CODE" VIVVOF" OR click here : Free Uber Ride with code: "vivianv42" LYFT discount code "viviannnv" $100 OFF Postmates with code "g8ppc"